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Your 2021 Champion!

The finale for the LCI Championship was one of the closest we’ve ever had in our history. With a final score of 140.97 to 136.63 Keith is our new league champ! Congrats to him for his first title. Keith came in as a severe underdog. Sleeper odds gave him a 20% chance to win but his team pulled through on the back of Rashaad Penny who was picked up off waivers December 13th for $8!

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2021 Draft!

The 2021 draft season is upon us. The date is set for September 5th at 7 PM Mountain! In the next few days the draft order will be determined and teams will start to think about their keepers. Will there be any pre-draft trades? Who knows! Keeper values were updated this past weekend so the strategizing can begin.

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Welcome to the League of Calamitous Intent Fantasy Football site! Here you will find league history, constitution, and other information for team owners. This site is a work in progress and information is updated manually by me running python scripts (so far). Reach out to me in the league chat if there are any issues or there are features you want to see.

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